Living English Every Day – April 2024

Living English Every Day - April

Theme: Treasure What You Have



8th April, 2024 Appreciating what you have brings happiness.
9th April, 2024 Family is a priceless treasure to cherish.
10th April, 2024 Good health is a valuable asset to protect.
11th April, 2024 Our talents and abilities are gifts to treasure.
12th April, 2024 Life itself is a precious gift to cherish.
15th April, 2024 Hope sustains us through difficult times.
16h April, 2024 True friends are a rare treasure to nurture.
17th April, 2024 We should treasure the love we receive.
18th April, 2024 Time with loved ones is a precious treasure.
19th April, 2024 Every moment in life is valuable.
22nd April, 2024 Life is fleeting, so treasure every moment.
23rd April, 2024 Focusing on blessings helps us appreciate what we have.
24th April, 2024 Students should treasure their education and opportunities.
25th April, 2024 Time with loved ones is valuable, even during busy school schedules.
26h April, 2024 School experiences shape students’ lives and are valuable treasures.
29th April, 2024 Every day in school is an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to treasure.
30th April, 2024 Treasure what we have while we have it.