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AUTHOR White, Michael, 1959-.
TITLE Acid tongues and tranquil dreamers. Chinese.
TITLE 毒舌頭與夢想家 / Michael White 著 ; 齊若蘭譯.
IMPRINT 台北市 : 遠流出版事業股份有限公司, 2003.
DESCRIPTION 14, 470 p. ; 22 cm.
SERIES 大眾科學館.
NOTE 譯自: Acid tongues and tranquil dreamers.
SUBJECT Competition (Psychology).
SUBJECT Science -- History.
SUBJECT Technology -- History.
OTHER TITLE 封面附副書名: 從牛頓, 達爾文, 美蘇太空競賽到比爾•蓋茲等八個科技競合的故事.
OTHER TITLE 從牛頓達爾文美蘇太空競賽到比爾蓋茲等八個科技競合的故事.
ISBN 9573251027.

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CHI 309 5043 Available
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